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Frequently Asked Questions - Sweet Traditions, Sweets The Traditional Way!

Frequently Asked Questions

Easy answers to your questions down below!

How long will it take for my sweets to arrive?

We aim to dispatch as soon as we get the order and it has finished processing, however at busy periods we aim to get it shipped anywhere between 2-5 working days. You will get an email letting you know your order has been completed!

How long does shipping take?

The couriers can take anywhere between 2-4 days to deliver your parcel, we send it on a 48 hour service, but with how busy they are it may take longer, however we do have tracking emails sent to you so you can always know where your order is and when its due to arrive.

What to do if my order is late? Or Damaged

If your order is late and you have waited the maximum amount of time from dispatch and your having issues with your tracking please get in touch with us at – Info@sweet-traditions.co.uk . If your order is damaged upon arrival, please send us adequate photos of your delivery, your order number and full name and we can try help you out, this can take up to 7-14 days to be resolved with the courier, we also take no blame for the way your parcels arrive so we can not issue refunds as this is nothing to do with us, however we can try our best to help you out!

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