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About - Sweet Traditions, Sweets The Traditional Way!


We set out to bring traditional sweet shops back to our community, selling all things sweet, the traditional way! Our shelves are stocked with all kinds of mouth-watering sweets and treats. We love the way that sweets can bring a smile to our faces, make us remember the good old days, or even help start new friendships. Who doesn’t love having a good sweet? We specialise in retro sweets and Pick and Mix. From classics like Cola Cubes and Chocolate Nibbles, to our huge 1.5 KG Pick and Mix boxes, we’re sure to have something you’ll love! If you’re feeling a bit more adventurous, have a look at our wide range of American Candy and Soda. Reece’s Pretzels, Jolly Rancher Gummies, Mountain Dew, Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, even Sour Patch Kids Cereal! The list of amazing, weird, and wonderful flavours form the USA goes on and on!

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